Dissolve Filler FAQ

  • Dermal filler dissolving is a procedure that uses an enzyme called hyaluronidase to break down and dissolve hyaluronic acid fillers. This can be useful in correcting overfilled or improperly placed fillers, or in the case of complications such as vascular occlusion.

  • Often dermal fillers can create unwanted aesthetic effects or complications. Thankfully, hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers can be reversed or dissolved by injecting the enzyme hyaluronidase into the previously injected filler. This enzyme catalyses the breakdown of hyaluronic acid.

  • Lip fillers typically break down over time due to naturally occurring hyaluronidase. When filler dissolving is required, concentrated doses of hyaluronidase are injected into the lips. The injections break down the hyaluronic acid in the lip filler. This is then disposed of by the body's natural systems.

  • In most cases, dermal filler can take up to 4 weeks for the cosmetic procedure to settle and fully absorb within the tissue.

  • Like with any injectables, dissolving lip fillers can cause discomfort, but generally speaking, it shouldn't be painful. 'It can sting a little bit but it's not excessively painful. I always use a topical anaesthetic cream to reduce the discomfort for the patients

  • This is possibly the most serious complication. The enzyme used in lip dissolving may not only dissolve the lip filler but could also dissolve the surrounding tissue of the lips. The injection of the enzyme can cause blood vessels around the lips to become squashed, which leads to the tissue being deprived of blood.

  • It is difficult to determine the exact amount of dissolving solution required to dissipate the unwanted filler present in chosen areas. We caution patients that all dermal fillers present in the injected areas, such as the upper lip or cheek, will be affected by the Hyaluronidase. However, only the filler present in the targeted area will be dissolved and not target other areas. It is possible to manipulate and shape small amounts of unwanted filler, but this varies for every patient. A consultation with our nurse will be required to assess the extent of the undesirable fillers.


Dermal Filler FAQ


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